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A research initiative that seeks to make zip code and dwelling unit level eviction data accessible to communities across the state of Iowa.

Discover the eviction rates for Iowa Counties with our interactive maps.

Visit our interactive eviction mapping exhibit.

Tell us more about  your organization by completing our survey.

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Why Eviction Data Matters

Iowa communities need access to standardized and reliable eviction data, so we can understand how and where our current housing system is failing households with limited incomes who are one late rent payment away from experiencing a housing crisis. 

Our Vision

unevictIA seeks to reduce eviction rates across Iowa communities. Access to eviction data is an integral first step to materializing this vision. Eviction data reveals to us critical information and patterns about who is being evicted, where evictions are occurring, and the implications for how organizations and public agencies develop solutions to limit the experience of evictions in our community.

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